Se coucher dans les virages .. en snowboard

snowboard couché virage extreme carving video photo

On est habitué à voir des motards couchés dans les virages, mais la discipline est également possible en snowboard. De saison, ce sport n’est habituellement pas la spécialité des grands slalomeurs, mais cette vidéo montre qu’il est possible d’être à l’horizontale dans un virage enneigé sur sa planche, ça s’appelle l’extreme carving.

Sorte de tutoriel pour apprendre le snowboard extreme carving en Swoard :

Basically the technique used is rotational turns with stiff torso/leg link and few other things: it can be resumed ( as you can see in the vids ) in the right timing between:
– rotation turns ( no shoulder / hip dislocking: the shoulders move first, and the legs follow
– Push / Pull technique: the legs are bent BETWEEN the turns, and then the board is PUSHED away from the body during the beggining of the turn ( its usually the opposite when you look at many people riding snowboards or skiis)
– Right timing
– Going almost upways before turning: this helps you by distributing the Gforce around a 180° arc instead of just 60-90° ( less forces means no stress on legs and ability to control better what is happening), going almost upways after the turn into the other one also makes you start the turn while the board is horizontal on the slope, not vertical.