Découvrir les 50 Etats des USA en 2 minutes

video documentaire reportage USA etats unis stereotype 50 states union

Loin d’être un guide de voyage, la vidéo 50 State Stereotypes in 2 Minutes est un recensement des préjugés (vrais ou faux) de chacun des 50 Etats qui composent le territoire des Etats-Unis d’Amérique.


50 State Stereotypes in 2 minutes


Il s’agit en fait d’une vidéo buzz pour promouvoir le bouquin de Paul Jury qui a traversé tous les Etats-Unis en mode road trip après obtention de son diplôme, juste parce qu’il ne savait pas quoi faire ensuite.


Pour ceux qui ne comprennent pas bien ce que l’auteur dit dans la première vidéo, voici la retranscription des 50 stéréotypes :

ALABAMA – Our state bird is the NASCAR.
ALASKA – I can see seasonal depression disorder from here.
ARIZONA – Keeping Indians in and Mexicans out.
ARKANSAS – Great scenery, brilliant peopl- Sorry. We’ve got Walmart?
CALIFORNIA – Gay Mexican boobjob computer hippies who really wanna direct.
COLORADO – Snow! Cocaine, I mean, but we’re also known for skiing.
CONNECTICUT – Great schools, because there’s nothing else to do.
DELAWARE – Come, we’ve got low incorporation fees. No seriously, please come.
FLORIDA – The further north you go, the further south it gets.
GEORGIA – Atlanta! We’re kind of ashamed of the rest of it, though.
HAWAII – If you lived here you’d be lazy too.
IDAHO – Potatoes and Napoleon Dynamite, god we’re cool.
ILLINOIS – Look, a non-corrupt politician for once. So far.
INDIANA – You have to drive through us to get somewhere better.
IOWA – 56,000 square miles of dull.
KANSAS – White-breds making wheat bread.
KENTUCKY – Farming from the future, textbooks from 1925.
LOUISIANA – Thanks BP, as if we didn’t have enough problems.
MAINE – A wicked lot a’ moose, eh?
MARYLAND – Have Jeeves bring the lobster boat around.
MASSACHUSETTS – Our chief export is obnoxious Pats Fans.
MICHIGAN – Cereal makers, serial killers.
MINNESOTA – Too nice not to elect douchy governors.
MISSISSIPPI – I’m gonna need a bigger Bible belt.
MISSOURI – We’re #1! In meth.
MONTANA – Speed limits don’t matter when you’re drunk.
NEBRASKA – Footballs, drawls and overalls.
NEVADA – No laws, no problem! Except all the murders.
NEW HAMPSHIRE – Half hippie, half French, all upper class.
NEW JERSEY – Guidos, Turnpikes, Leeching off New York and Philly.
NEW MEXICO – Like regular Mexico, but with more UFOs.
NEW YORK – World’s 14th biggest city, 1st biggest ego.
NORTH CAROLINA – First in flight and lung cancer.
NORTH DAKOTA – Somehow even worse than South Dakota.
OHIO – People care about us at election time!
OKLAHOMA – Ten days tornado free!
OREGON – Dreadlocks on white people.
PENNSYLVANIA – Even our Amish will fight you.
RHODE ISLAND – No seriously, we’re a state.
SOUTH CAROLINA – Still accepting confederate dollars.
SOUTH DAKOTA – At least we’re not North Dakota.
TENNESSEE – Where White Music comes from.
TEXAS – Everything is bigger, even our morons.
UTAH – Multiple homely wives.
VERMONT – Gay marriages on maple syrup farms.
VIRGINIA – From center of civilization to Hicksville in 20 minutes flat.
WASHINGTON – Richer hippies than Oregon.
WEST VIRGINIA – The inbred love child of Virgina and DC.
WISCONSIN – It’s too cold to be sober.
WYOMING – We don’t have any gay cowboys, alright? OK, maybe a few gay cowboys.